Press & Interviews

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July 04, 2024

Jury Insights Interview
Andrea Florence

We are thrilled to present an exclusive interview with Andrea Florence, an Emmy award-winning Executive Producer renowned for her exceptional work in high-rating factual shows across global broadcasters and platforms. In this interview, Andrea shares her valuable insights from her recent experience as a jury member for the documentary categories at the 2024 US International Awards. She discusses the documentaries that stood out to her the most, offering a glimpse into what makes a truly remarkable production in today's competitive landscape.

Thank you for being part of the 2024 US International Awards Jury! You and your fellow jury members watched a huge number of entries. How would you describe the overall quality of the entries?

My selection included a wide range of shows: some beautifully crafted with high production values, amazing photography, and witty scripts, while others were incredibly powerful and emotionally charged.

Please tell us more about your judging process.

When I judge, I find it essential to be in a quiet environment with no time pressures. To ensure fairness, I always begin by reviewing the background information to understand the context thoroughly. I believe in the importance of careful consideration, often revisiting sections of the performances and adjusting my scores as needed. Only after watching all the assigned videos, I finalize my scores.

Which submissions impressed you the most or still stick in your mind and why?

There were many powerful shows, but two documentaries from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation still stick in my mind. The documentary "This Tuesday I'm going to die" stays with me – it’s both heart-rending and thought-provoking, and it brings to light the many issues arising from assisted dying.

The other documentary, "CARTWHEELS & HEADACHES - A Children's Hospice from the Inside," though very sad, was very sensitively filmed and gave a portrait of amazing people working in this area.

Was it difficult to choose a Grand Award Winner?

Each had its own particular strength, making the final choice incredibly difficult. It took some time and repeated viewings to decide the final scores.



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January 18, 2024

Meet the Jury Interview
Tay Guan Hin 


As the esteemed Creative Chairman of BBDO Singapore, Tay Guan Hin is a creative powerhouse and internationally recognized creative thinker. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, he has proven his ability to lead significant agency networks such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Wunderman Thompson, Grey, and Leo Burnett. His remarkable achievements have garnered him recognition through over 300 international creative awards.

We are thrilled to have you on the 2024 US International Awards jury. Please tell us more about your professional journey in the creative field and how you navigate your daily work life.

It's a pleasure to be on the 2024 US International Awards jury. My journey in the creative industry has been both enriching and transformative. Launching my first book "Collide," which became an Amazon #1 bestseller in under 24 hours, was a career highlight this year. This success underscores my commitment to embracing conflict as a catalyst for creativity.

As the Creative Chairman of BBDO Singapore, I've had the privilege of working with global networks like Saatchi & Saatchi, Wunderman Thompson, Grey, and Leo Burnett. I have focused on leveraging digital engagement to enhance brand preference for significant clients like Visa, AIA, Audi, Shell, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, P&G, HSBC, and Unilever. This approach has proven effective in increasing market share and addressing complex business challenges.

I was the first Southeast Asian Singaporean to be a Jury President at Cannes Lions and the first to preside over the Design & Art Direction London. My involvement in prestigious regional events like APAC Effie and Adfest further showcases my commitment to excellence in creativity.

My everyday work life is a blend of personal and professional commitments, from waking up early to sending my daughter to school to staying up late brainstorming the next big idea. 

Your involvement in various industry events and awards is quite extensive. Can you give us more insight into your responsibilities and the factors that drive you? 

I am passionate about sharing knowledge. As a global keynote speaker at various industry events, including TEDx, Spikes Asia, AdStar, Brand Magic Summit, One Show, and Cannes Lions, I've shared insights with major clients such as the US Grain Council, Tencent, NTUC, TikTok, Meta, and Unilever.

Nurturing future talents is close to my heart. I founded the first student awards in Singapore with Patrick Low and have consistently mentored young creatives. My role as a mentor in various industry events reflects my dedication to innovation and talent development.

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

What I enjoy most in my job is the ability to influence and inspire through creativity and the opportunity to continually challenge and redefine the boundaries of what's possible in advertising and branding.

With 30 years of experience under your belt, you have contributed to countless projects. Are there projects that are particularly memorable for you?

I've been involved in quite a few exciting projects, but one that stands out is this unique challenge we took on with the Ministry of Health Holdings in Singapore. They wanted to draw the younger generation, particularly Gen Z, into considering healthcare careers, which is no small feat! So, what we did was pretty innovative. BBOO and Livewire created an in-game inside "Fortnite". Now, you might think, "Fortnite and healthcare? How does that work?" But that's the beauty of it. We took the game's battle-focused gameplay and flipped it on its head. Instead of the usual combat, we created a special map set in a virtual version of Singapore's Marina, where players focus on healing each other to win. It's all about caring and making a difference, you know? We also roped in some big-name Twitch streamers to help spread the word. Their influence was vital in getting the message out to Gen Z. Those guys live on streaming platforms. And to ground it in reality, we got actual healthcare professionals involved. They shared their real-life experiences, giving a taste of what a healthcare career is like. The most challenging part was definitely reimagining a battle royale game into something that celebrates healthcare. We had to think about how to make healing as engaging as taking down an opponent. But when did we see players getting into the healing challenges, and when did the conversations about healthcare careers start? That's when we knew we had done something right. Seeing how we connected healthcare to Gen Z in a language they understand and enjoy has been super rewarding. It's all about showing them that a healthcare career can be as exciting and impactful as the games they love.

What are you currently working on? And what else is planned for the upcoming time?

Things tend to slow down a bit for us at the beginning of the year. We've got our hands on a bunch of exciting projects right now, but I've got to keep the lid on the details for the time being. Still, there's this buzz in the air, like we're all waiting for the next big thing. And we're really pumped about teaming up with some forward-thinkers who want to shake things up and make a real difference in the world, both socially and professionally.

You have won more than 300 creative awards yourself. What does an award represent to you?

Getting an award is like hitting the dopamine in creativity. It's like a shout-out for daring to push the limits and make something unique. You know when you see someone snag an award for something awesome they've done? It lights a fire under my butt to up my game and shake things up.

Plus, awards help build this vibe of innovation and growth where I work. They're like a gold standard that shows us what we can aim for and gets everyone psyched to step up and move the whole industry forward.

And let's not forget that awards are magnets for talent! They pull in the most imaginative folks out there, creating this space where we're all pushing to win while helping each other out. It makes you want to bring your A-game to work every day.

In your opinion, what makes a "good" corporate video? Alas, what are you looking for in a winning entry?

Do you know what makes a corporate video click with people? It's when it feels natural and hits you in all the right places. It has to be all about what the company truly stands for, without any fluff or predictable clichés. I mean, who wants to watch something that feels like an AI churned it out, right?

It's about being bold, too. Imagine a video that goes out of the same old road. It's the one that throws in a curveball and makes you sit up and think, "Hey, that's new!" It's about getting inspired to do something, not just nod and move on. It's like when a brand tells you, "Come on, let's do this together," and you want to get up and join the movement.

Keep it simple but throw in a surprise so it sticks with you. The story must be clear but deep enough to make you pause and mull it over a coffee.

And it's not just about patting themselves on the back. A killer video should show off the innovative stuff a company's doing and how they're planning to rock the world. It's like saying, "Check out the footprints we're leaving behind – pretty neat, huh?" And this gets people talking and dreaming of what's next.    

Are there any tips for potential entrants? Production-wise and presentation-wise?

Getting your work to stand out in a sea of submissions is definitely a blend of art and science. Think of it like this: judges are swamped, right? Your piece has to catch their eye in a snap. That's where you need a killer hook. Imagine something so visually stunning, a story so touching, or even an idea so out of the box that it grabs them the second they see it.

And let's talk about PR. It's not just about crafting something extraordinary; it's about making sure the right people are buzzing about it even before it competes. You've got to stir up interest, get people talking, and weave a story that sticks with the judges so when they see your work, they're already a bit in love with it.


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December 07, 2023

Meet the Jury Interview
Xavi Sanchez


As the Executive Head of Video, Xavi Sanchez manages the production of Footballco's massive 1 billion monthly views, making it the top soccer content and media company worldwide. Before joining Footballco, Xavi built his career in sports marketing agencies. As a Creative Producer and Director, he oversaw strategy, creativity, and production for high-profile clients like Real Madrid, Formula 1, and the NBA. He was also commissioned to create content with soccer legends like Lionel Messi, David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, Neymar Jr or Luis Suárez. 

It is our pleasure to have you on the jury for the 2024 US International Awards. Can you tell us more about your job and everyday work life? 

As the Executive Head of Video at Footballco, my job is to lead the strategic direction and execution of all video-related initiatives across our diverse publishing brands. This includes overseeing teams of talented people specializing in audience development, creativity, and video production.

Which aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?

What I find most rewarding in my role is the opportunity to blend creativity with strategy, crafting compelling video content that not only engages our audience but also aligns seamlessly with the brands we represent.

Looking back at your career, do particular projects stand out to you on a personal level?

At Footballco, we’ve had very successful campaigns recently. One project that I’m particularly proud of is our involvement in Pixel FC, celebrating a summer of women’s soccer, bringing together a world-class brand like Google with incredibly talented female content creators and presenters in the context of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup delivering millions of views across the tournament.

Given your extensive project experience, do you follow a specific work mantra?

I've had the privilege of working on a range of projects, from ad campaigns to editorial series. And throughout my career, I've consistently centered my efforts on the intersection of audience, publisher, and brand interests, adopting a holistic perspective. After championing this approach, I have found that development of IP and brand recognition through audience-first content is the best way to achieve that organic performance balance between the three parties.

Footballco is the top soccer content and media company worldwide. Could you shed some light on the strategies you intend to employ in strengthening its position as a global soccer publisher?

When I joined Footballco, I had a clear mission to build company IP in three key areas: fan engagement, creating entertainment formats independent of match rights, and fostering recurring collaborations with some of the world's most prominent soccer players. This mission has proven successful, attracting partnerships with esteemed brands such as Dubai Tourism, Google, and Adidas. These collaborations have added unique value to our millions of viewers worldwide.

As we look ahead to 2024, we plan to double down on these successes. We're committed to strengthening the bridge between our global soccer audience and these influential brands, positioning Footballco as a truly global soccer publisher. While I can't reveal all the details yet, we have exciting projects and initiatives in the pipeline that will further solidify our position and provide even more compelling content and experiences for our audience and partners alike.

As a jury member, you have a say in who will be bestowed with our awards. What does an award symbolize for you?

An award, to me, is a recognition of excellence. It symbolizes validation and acknowledgment from peers, industry experts, or the community. I refuse to see an award as an end goal but rather as a motivation to continue doing good work and benchmark it with what's to come to never stop pushing higher.

In your opinion, what makes a "good" corporate video? Alas, what are you looking for in a winning entry?

A great corporate video conveys the brand message without forcing it into the audience. Good branded videos are watchable, whereas great branded videos are shareable! Always ask yourself: If I was not related to that content in any way, would I watch it till the end? Would I ever rewatch it? Would I share it? If it's a yes, then it's a great video.

Are there any tips for potential entrants? Production-wise and presentation-wise?

Make me (the viewer) feel something and assume that you have to earn every second of my attention. Attention is the currency of this era, and you have to fight for it against 101 different forms of entertainment - don’t take it for granted.


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September 26, 2023

Meet the Jury Interview
Ewa Ewart


Ewa Ewart is a journalist and an award-winning filmmaker who specializes in groundbreaking and influential documentaries. Born and raised in Poland, she spent most of her career based at BBC TV in London, England. She has traveled and worked in many countries, producing and directing programs ranging from investigations and political to social observational documentaries. 

We are thrilled to have you on the jury for the 2024 US International Awards. Please tell us more about your work background and your everyday work life. Could you also tell us what you enjoy the most in your job? 

My journalistic background is in TV News. I learned about documentary filmmaking at the BBC in London. Back in the 1990s, it was a golden era for documentaries. There was money, and we traveled the world making films on various fascinating and relevant subjects. It was an inspiring stretch of my work as a filmmaker, and it lasted a good few years. I am now a freelancer and enjoy the freedom of freelancing offers. However, raising funds for a project can sometimes be daunting and time-consuming. I never had to worry about getting budgets for my films while working for the BBC. 

What do you enjoy the most in your job?

I love the documentary format for many reasons, but one is of critical importance: documentaries offer you enough space to tell what happened and why it happened. It was the main reason I eventually had enough of news. This format often leaves the viewer with many unanswered questions. In a documentary, you have time and space to create in-depth context for complex events and make them easier for a wider audience to understand.

You have made plenty of films - are there projects that stand out for you personally? 

When I work on a film, it always seems unique and the most important thing to me. But there are some films I made that I still feel attached to personally. “Children of Beslan” is one of them. It is the story of the tragedy that happened on September 1, 2004, when a group of heavily armed Chechen rebel extremists stormed into School No 1 in Beslan, Russia. For three days, more than a thousand children and adults were held hostage in a sweltering gym, denied food and water, and forced to keep their hands over their heads. The siege ended three days later when Russian Special Forces stormed the school to free the hostages. A series of explosions and an exchange of gunfire killed over 350 people- half of them children. I chose to tell this story with the words of those who survived- young heroes; the youngest was six, and the oldest was 12. I worked on that film for nearly a year, traveled many times to Beslan, and got close to these exceptional children. This experience is still very vivid.

What are you currently working on? And what else is planned for the upcoming time?

The year 2023 is proving to be busy. I will have made two 60-minute plus documentaries by the time it ends. "Until the Last Drop" is a film about rivers and people, their relationship, and interconnectedness. It tells a story of despair but also of determination and hope. The film exposes how human activity is a leading cause of a growing freshwater crisis. However, it shows we can also be part of the solution and tells the inspiring story of how people fight until the last drop to protect rivers worldwide.

My current film – working title "Magda"- is of a very different kind, based on the main character's video diary. It tells her extraordinary journey while living with breast cancer. It is a moving and inspiring story of a woman who decided to live and took up the challenge of fighting the disease.

You were awarded several awards yourself. What does an award represent to you?

I always accept an award as a recognition for the work of my entire team, who helped to create the film. It is never my film or my award. It is always a team effort, and teamwork is the most rewarding aspect of my job. An award means that the film's story proved to be timely, its topic relevant, and, above all, that its execution was almost flawless! And I, of course, enjoy the red carpet a lot. 

In your opinion, what makes a “good” documentary? Alas, what are you looking for in a winning entry?

For me, the power of a “good” documentary lies in compelling characters with charisma with whom the viewer can connect emotionally. You can have the most exciting story idea, but the film will inevitably flop if your characters are dull and unconvincing. It works the other way, too. Sometimes, the story is not the most engaging, but nevertheless, it is still important and deserves to be told. A good character will help to rescue a somewhat uninspiring narrative.   

Do you have any tips production-wise for documentary filmmakers and potential entrants? 

Ask yourself what kind of film you would like to watch – it is a good place to start and will likely lead you to the right topic for your documentary. Set a good time to start the development of your treatment and let your curiosity wander far and wide. Look for relevant subject information in the most unlikely sources, apart from the obvious ones. You will likely stumble across an unusual idea to make your points in the film and discover unique characters. Remember that less is more, and be disciplined with your focus. Always have a plan B. More than anything else, tell yourself that you will make a great film!